Spilling the tea on college life.

About Me

Hi, I’m “Z” founder of The Real College Tea. After the first semester of my senior year, all I’ve spent my time doing was obsessing over college. I had zero clue about what college I wanted to go to, what major I wanted to pursue, how I would make new friends, how I was going to pay for college, etc. So, my last semester of high school I did a ton of research and self-evaluation to prepare myself for this new chapter in my life. I’m sure other people pursuing college are having the same questions I have. Well, these people are in luck because in this blog I will spill all the college tea you want to hear. I created this blog as a way to document my college life and share my experiences along the way. This blog will include advice about college preparation, study tips, scholarships, friendships, money management and more. Follow me on my journey through adulthood and watch how much I grow in real time!